The second weak spot does just as much damage as the first one if it's destroyed. By doing this you will remove their ability to attack you. If you hit these with any arrows, particularly Hardpoint arrows, it will destroy them.

If threatened they can charge as a herd and try to overwhelm you.They will charge at you with their horns in an attempt to spear you with them.They can run away but if they feel they are in immediate danger they will fight back and they're surprisingly fast. If you shoot this part with Shock arrows then it will cause an explosion that will Shock any machines near it. The easiest one to hit is the Power Cell located at the rear of the machine. Scrappers have two main weak spots and both are clearly visible if you scan them with your focus. Can use its laser to fire at you in short bursts.The scanner can sense dead machines, so if you're hanging around some for too long then a Scrapper is sure to show up.It has a scanner that can pick you up if you're close to them, even if you're hiding.It will lunge at you and swipe its claws to try to hit you.Has a laser designed to help it cut metal, and it will use this against you in precise attacks.Tip: If you override one of these machines it can protect you against the rest of its pack. They are rarely found on their own and they can use their numbers to their advantage when fighting against you. Scrappers can be found scavenging for metal scraps or dismantling deceased machines.